Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weight Loss and Me

So it looks like not many people have been keeping up with the blog so I thought I'd contribute a little sumpin sumpin.
I have recently joined YouTube. I am probably way behind the curve of kids younger than me, I am sure many teens have vidoes on there. But I decided to use it as a way to keep a vido blog of my daly struggle to lose weight and eat better. Its great because people watch my daily vids and comment and keep me motivated, and it also forces em to be honest and check in with myself and others about my progress or lack there of.
So if anyone is interested, please visit my channel, comment, subscribe, rate. My hope is my story will help others out there struggling with obesity, food addiction, and stress eating!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I just spent the last 5 minutes deciding on what font I was going to use for my first blog post. How sad. Like what difference in the whole cosmic scheme of things is it really going to make..what font I use...I mean really? If it was Arial or Tebuchet would my entry have anymore or any less of an impact on the world as a whole? Probably not, but courier has always been my font of choice, and not just because it takes up a lot of space when writing a two page minimum research paper! No, sir, its because it looks like I am using a old fashioned typewriter, and there is something oddly soothing about the aesthetic. I am lucky though that I don't have to worry about correction tape because my spelling is appalling and I will have probably spell checked this entry a half dozen times before publishing it. I can't imagine doing that on a typewriter. Heaven forbid.

So, before I ramble too long about nothing, I should share a bit about myself, but not too much all at once or I may run out of things to talk about already. I am 26 years old, female, living in Cordova, Tennessee (that is about 30min outside of Memphis). I have twin babies, Lucas and Allison 19 mo old, and a husband Jimmy of 4 years. I have a job I hate which I am leaving in July to go back to school and get my masters in Anthropology, but more on that saga later. My husband is going to Pharmacy school in the Fall, so that will be two full time college students with two full time toddlers all living in one full time crazy house. Should be fun times!

Till next blog--April

Friday, April 3, 2009


Well, this currently isn't working out as well as I'd hoped. People were supposed to be interested in contributing. Apparently not. Where on the intarwebs are the 19-30 year olds?!

Oh, wait, mostly on Facebook. It seems the low-maintenance, low-effort FB is the online place to be. Why, I have no idea. But hey, that's just me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

picture this...

"Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses,
contribute to your hunting skills,
and natural defenses."

For today's frothy ramblings, we have ghosts and aliens.

First up, ghosts. Assume a ghost can float and is not affected by things that would hurt/kill a normal person (cuz a ghost is already dead, duh) it could eventually fly right out of the earth's atmosphere and wander around in space. If a ghost could do that I don't see why it wouldn't have a grand ol' time visiting other planets and scaring little alien children.

Suppose aliens have ghosts too.

So maybe human and alien ghosts would meet up and have fun scaring people together. But, let's face it, that gets old. Would there then be a planet just for ghosts who want to settle down from all that jazz? Could they have little ghost families? Assuming most ghosts have plenty of life experience, it would be reasonable to assume that these "ghosts" could live happily in peace. With alien ghosts too.


I just forgot what I was talking about. Care for a cookie?

I suppose I should have introduced myself. So hey, I'm Val and I'm a 19 year old female with two kidneys. And you can't have either.

Also, you can expect me to be equally nonsensical in the future. It's the only way I know how to roll.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I may not be taller than you, but I'm probably better at hide n' seek.

I shall make my introductory blog brief, as I am currently late for Uni. One could argue that I can just do this when I get home later, but I'm not fond of logistics and I dig procrastination.

My name is Cei, I am 21 years old (22 in ten days - I feel like a kid for counting down to my birthday, but what the hell. It's exciting until you hit forty.), currently undertaking a Masters in film and trying to forge out some kind of career as a television and film scriptwriter. Which really is as easy as it sounds.

I am currently unemployed, living well under the poverty line, renting a house I can't really afford and have not the option of moving back in with my parents. I regularly receive comments from wonderful people about how I must love the dole bludging lifestyle (Yes. Humiliation is fun!) which incites a certain need to stab them up.

My contributions to this blog will in all likelyhood be frequent and rambling. And now, I must dress in green at the insistence of an Irish lady at Uni (insistence here reading 'on pain of death') and bullshit my way through two in class presentations, neither of which I have written yet.

Let's kick it off, blog style!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Welcome to Viciens Tricies, a collaborative blog that was only just set up, so currently only has one author, yours truly. I'd best introduce myself, I suppose.

Name's Ashleigh. I'm a twenty year old Australian university student, in my third year. As well as studying here, I'm the current president of the uni's historical re-enactment society. Ironically, I only joined the club as a passing fancy because there wasn't an archery club and it was the closest thing I could find. Two years later, here I am.

Due to re-enactment, I've become an apprentice armourer. From there, I've expanded into making jewellery. It's certainly an interesting and fun hobby, albeit sometimes extremely frustrating. The guy I'm apprenticing under and myself both say that if you're not inventing new swear words while knitting maille, then you're not doing it right. Take from that what you will.

That's enough about me. Time to take some time to lay out the purpose of this blog.

As the title suggests, it's a collaboration of the lives of who-knows-how-many 19-30 year olds from all over the world. We will share our thoughts and memories, our beliefs and whatever else may spring to mind.

This is, in a sense, a companion blog to "The Cottonheaded Ninnymuggins of Sesame Street", whose URL can be found in the title of this blog. Cottons is a collaboration of people aged 18 and under. This is the next step up, as it were - a collaboration of people between the ages of nineteen and thirty.

By following and reading both blogs, we (or at least I) hope that it will be an interesting way to see the differences between the two age groups. Not only in experiences, but in ways of thinking, hopes and dreams, what is and isn't important in their/our lives. It's also a way for the people in this age group to reflect on times past, and those in Cottons to see what they may be like - or up against - in the future.

By the way - unlike Cottons, I won't be posting any guidelines. I like to think that by the age of nineteen, people have enough sense that they aren't necessary.

So, dear audience (or lack thereof, as the case may be), welcome. I hope you enjoy your time here.