Friday, April 3, 2009


Well, this currently isn't working out as well as I'd hoped. People were supposed to be interested in contributing. Apparently not. Where on the intarwebs are the 19-30 year olds?!

Oh, wait, mostly on Facebook. It seems the low-maintenance, low-effort FB is the online place to be. Why, I have no idea. But hey, that's just me.


  1. You need to publicize it more.

    Why not make a thread on the DF?

  2. I'd contribute but I'm mostly just about mad ramblings and nerdy allusions. It gets old after awhile. Though I can make up for it with really bad drawings.

  3. it takes a while for things to really take off. Like a pp said, make a whole thread dedicated just to this blog on the OMB. It may get more interest going.

  4. how do i do this? this is awesome!
